From Formation to Transmission
Pegase, through its Meta Music® structure, offers you training and transmissions around Music: from singer to musician, from lyricist to composer, from arranger to creation…
These meetings range from individual Accompaniment to collective Teaching around the same project.
Meta Music® is a tool more than a purpose. From Musician, Singer, Lyricist, Arranger, in the vibration of Meta, beyond the mind, the artist becomes the Music… This is not learned through a method, but a work of personal introspection and self-knowledge through one’s deep Intention.
It is initially an individual commitment, in order to go into the depth of the heart, and to reveal oneself fully into the gift to the other, in one's own Originality.
Each in his Love for music, has developed natural gifts by working on a necessary technique through an instrument, his voice, his writings... with Meta, you learn to transcend these gifts by putting them at the service of a way that is beyond us.
The training is adapted according to your inner intentions and requests, which are all different. The tools we use are there to support, reveal or strengthen the potential of musicians who choose to go further in their personal and professional careers.
Nevertheless, all the trainings have in common a theoretical explanation and a practical experience of the Vibration, by discovering its impact, its role in our daily life and how to experience and live with it consciously.